Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Why some people have it harder then others.

I read this a long time ago in a cb parent blog and was trying to remember exactly how it was written. She makes some good points and I look at each level of life. Like spirituality is one area of your life. You can be the top in one area of your life but weak in another. I look at life as a journey and lessons learned. So here goes this one mom's perspective on spirituality.Guess I'm not in kindergarten on this one. I do think it is good to always question in the spirituality realm. If I had just taken what I learned in Sunday school as truth then really would I have grown in my beliefs? It is about being open to all beliefs and what they believe. Learning as much as you can, having discussion, and an open mind toward what others believe. You take the lessons you learn through experience and you try to make the world a better place. I wouldn't take away anything I've gone through in life because it makes me and shapes me into who I am today. Here is a cool analogy on faith.

God showed me that if we could take a spool of white ribbon and paint the tip (approximately the size of your pinky fingernail) red, then take the spool and throw it, allowing it to go around and around the world, never ending. The tiny portion of red is our very short time on earth- the white, our eternity in paradise. I try to remind myself of this frequently, whenever I am going through something of great stress or pain. This is one of the things God revealed to me.
Earlier, I told you that I know why my sweet baby has cancer. I know why some of you have endurred much suffering, while others breeze through life with very little difficulty.
God showed me that this, our time on earth, is our education or school. We actually started off in Heaven (The Bible tells us that God knew us before we were even conceived in the womb- that's because we started out in Heaven!) And, when we graduate from "school" we will return to Heaven and recognize it as home!" Oh what a glorious day that will be!
That said, when you think back to your years of school, there was one thing that forced you to study. Without these, we surely would have procrastinated for things we found to be more pressing at that moment. Can you guess? (It was the tests!) When we had a test, we had to prioritize studying or risk the chance of failing.
The tests forced us to learn the material.
It works very much the same way in our spiritual education here on earth- it is the tests that take us to a higher level of wisdom quicker than anything else. Just as there are a multitude of children and adults receiving education from primary school to post-graduate, so there is with our spiritual education!
Our spirits are born of this earth, each being at a different level of education- some seem to be born with the perfect health, the perfect bodies, families, finances, marriage- everything seems so easy for them! This is because they are in "spiritual kindergarten" or "elementary school." Their tests can't be any harder than this in order for them to grow.
Likewise, there are those with more than their fair share of hardships. Their souls are so brilliant and beautiful that their tests MUST be harder in order for them to grow. Though this may sound hard to believe, a difficult journey is NOT a punishment from God. It is an honor. (If a teacher were to have pulled you from a sixth grade class to tell you that the school deemed you too intelligent for the sixth grade and wanted to bump you up to the ninth grade- most of you would have felt proud and honored, even if a little nervous about whether or not you could get through it.)
Think about this.... you wouldn't take a five year old and put him/her in college physics. The material/the tests would be far too difficult and the child would not grow.
Likewise, you would not take the genius and put him in kindergarten. The material/tests would be much too easy and the person wouldn't grow.
It works the same way in our "spiritual education." There are "kindergarten spirits" whose lives seem so easy. Their tests can be no harder than this in order to grow.
Then there are the spirits of the "advanced courses," those among us who have more than their fare share of difficulties and hardships, some beginning in childhood with parents who are less than loving. There are people who suffer with illness or injury, those whose loved ones die, those who suffer through divorce after the spouse they had loved for years was found to have been cheating, and those who suffer financial ruin in spite of working hard all of their lives. And then there are children with cancer.
God cautioned me to be careful who I judge! That the journey of a drunk, lying in his own squalor, has been so much more difficult than mine, is a testimony to the strength of his soul.
In my practice, I have had the honor of working with a very young clinical genius who was very upset. Twice a week, while his young peers were out playing at recess, he was working on algebra far beyond his years. He was angry, saying "Not fair, Ms Terri!"
Now, part of me felt sorry for him. He was so young and having to miss recess for extra tutoring. Yet, a stronger part of me was saying, "toughen up, your mind is so powerful, it requires more!"
And so it is with our spirits. My little, precious baby girl has the powerful soul of royalty. Her tests are so very difficult....I am in awe of her. More than this, I am so honored to be her mother.
Some of you have such powerful souls, that surely if your flesh could fall from your bones, I would need shades to bear the brilliance of your soul! Your journey is hard because you are in "physics" - it is hard because it has to be.

Something to think about where are you on your spiritual journey? Kindergarten? Physics? Somewhere in the middle? Open up discussion os the best method of learning and growing. Now to find a song Please don't be offended if it is Christ like.

Songs like this one wake people up to others. The world isn't supposed to be about me me me but serving and helping others despite your hardships other still need to be lifted up too. Sometimes I do expect more from others because I give so much more and I care so much more. I don't care if I go without so others needs can be met. It is never about me but helping others. We don't live in our own little world. You can chose not to click the links on fb because it's too hard but reality is that people's pain is still there you can chose to ignore and live in your own little world of me me me or feel others pain and help them through it. Remember somebody's always got it harder then you do.